

在翻譯美國離婚證時,需要了解美國離婚案件中的一般法律常識 和法律英語。



* 呈請人 Petitioner, 提出離婚申請的一方

* 答辯人 Respondent,離婚案件中的另一方,如雙方都申請離婚,則雙方都是Petitioner

* 法庭判令  Decree

* 法庭判決  Judgment

* 暫時性判令 Decree Nisi

* 永久性判令 Decree Absolute

* 暫準(zhǔn)離婚令   Divorce Nisi

* 絕對離婚令   Divorce Absolute

* 絕對離婚證  Certificate of Divorce Absolute

* 遺囑檢驗和家庭事務(wù)法庭  Probate and Family Court 


If the Respondent applies to the court for it to consider the Respondent’s financial position after the divorce, the decree nisi cannot be made absolute unless the court is satisfied that the Petitioner had made or will make proper financial provision for the Respondent, or else that the petitioner should not be required to make any financial provision for the Respondent.

Judgment of Divorce shall in the first instance be Judgment Nisi and shall become absolute after the expiration of ninety days from the entry thereof, unless the court, within said period, for sufficient cause, upon application of any party to the action otherwise orders. After the entry of a Judgment Nisi, the action shall not be dismissed or discontinued on motion of either arty except upon such terms, if any, as the court may order after notice to the other party and a hearing, unless there has filed with the court a memorandum signed by both parties, wherein they agree to such disposition of the action.

After a Judgment of Divorce has become absolute, either party may marry again as if the other were dead.

另外,在離婚證件翻譯時,需要注意Divorce的詞性。“He has divorced with his wife”這句話是錯誤的,正確的語句為“He has been divorced from his wife”。


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